Playback of Video Depositions at Trial Synchronized with Transcript
APVisuals can playback video depositions of key witnesses, experts, impeachment testimony, etc. in Broward, Miami-Dade and West Palm Beach Circuit Court. We do not think that any litigator can deny the dramatic increase of video depositions taken as a result of the new norms set by COVID. Although depositions can take place in person, many depositions continue to be taken over zoom, which make video recording depositions almost automatic. Even before COVID, depositions were moving in the direction from simply using a court reporter to using a court reporter and videographer. Due to our society's ongoing thirst for visual/video stimulants, jurors long to see witness testimony; simply hearing the testimony is not enough. They long to see the witness giving the testimony, makes more of an impact when you see the person actually contradicting themselves.
APVisuals proudly provides its client video litigation services including video depositions. Depositions are captured using current digital video technology along with professional audio equipment and can be formatted to your needs (dvd, cd, mpg, mp4, etc...). We then can create clips from page and line designations as well as synchronize video to its transcript. And then what ... How do you use the deposition at trial? How do you publish the video deposition? How do you have it displayed? Does the Court have the technology to display it? How do you set up and link it to the Court system if they do have the technology? These are all questions and issues that you as the litigator should not have to handle in addition to worrying about legal arguments and bringing forth your case for your client.
APVisuals takes the guess work out when providing litigation support to South Florida law firms. We specialize in determining the types of files that you need for your vide deposition, medical records, demonstratives, etc. are saved as and ensure that we have the correct program and equipment to display these documents and exhibits. It can be a catastrophe if you are at trial and do not have the correct connecting cable, the correct program, the correct camera for your zoom witness, or even the correct operating system. In order to avoid these types of issues, contact APVisuals to arrange for an APVisuals trial audio visual technician/specialists to join you at trial or mediation.

If you or your law firm are headed to mediation or trial, contact APVisuals at 888-399-0988 to see how we can add to your litigation team and assist you in publishing your exhibits at trial. #southfloridalitigationsupport #hotseatoperator #depositionplayback #bestlitigationsupportinmiami #bestlitigationsupportinbroward #apvisuals #expertavtechnician