Trial Boards - What Size Do I Need For Mediation or Trial?
APVisuals can print, enlarge, blow-up any document from letter size (8" x 11") to any length (you choose) x 40". In fact, APVisuals has on many occasions has had to print timelines for clients that span over 21'. Below is an example of a 21 foot timeline being printed and mounted for trial. The case was a medical malpractice case dealing with many time intricacies and failure to diagnose issues. Accordingly, our client wanted to include all the Defendant's failures but also be large enough for the jurors to read the text.

If you are going to mediation, you may be in need of something a bit smaller. The adjuster, mediator and opposing counsel are able to get up and read your board, so the text may not need to be so large.
Although, we are capable of printing custom size boards for your case, standard size (what attorneys usually request) exhibit boards include:
** 24" x 36"
** 32" x 40"
** 36" x 48"
Boards can be printing in full color, black and white (such as documents), and black and white with highlights. Boards, in order to last through wear and tear during trial are laminated.
Because we print our boards in-house, we have the ability to turn around your orders quickly. We are not a regular printing company like Kinkos, Sir Speedy, etc. So we understand the importance of litigation and the time constraints that litigation creates. APVisuals specializes in printing blow-ups (documents, medical records, photographs, etc.), timelines (small and large), infographics, aerials and jury instructions. We can deliver boards to your office, to mediation or to the courthouse.
If you are headed to trial or mediation, and are in need of enlargements of documents, photographs, etc. and exhibit boards, please call us to discuss. We would love to work with you.