First Party Property Claim? Why Color Matching Photographs is Important
Creating color accurate exhibits for your first party property claim may be crucial to your case. Especially if you are handling a case that

Memorial Day - Thank You
Remember and give thanks to all of our service men who served and died for our country. Thank you.

Getting Your Electronic Evidence Off the Internet
APVisuals discusses the benefits of using APV to download critical electronic evidence and avoiding issues with admissibility in doing so.

Renting AV Equipment for Trial or Mediation - Call APVisuals
Need an Elmo for trial or mediation? Need a large screen projector? Need a projector? Need individuals computer screens for counsel, judge,

South Florida Attorneys Can Now Order Trial Boards and Exhibits Online
Need a blow-up of a photograph? Need an enlargement of a jury verdict form? Need documents just made bigger? APVisuals is now offers online

Good Communication Between Trial Graphic Artist/Tech and Attorney is Key
Keeping a good working relationship between an attorney and their trial graphic artist/technician is key to your client's case. It is si
Trial Graphics - Make Complex Ideas Understandable
South Florida juries, whether you like it or not, sometimes just don't "Get the Message." Get them from No Clue to I understan

Professional Trial Exhibits at Reasonable Prices
Professional and Quality driven exhibits sum us up. APVisuals, in house printing and laminating trial exhibit production, focuses on deliver

Creating Trial Exhibits Early On - Hoping for the Best and Preparing for the Worst
APVisuals, a South Florida legal graphics company, discusses the benefits of preparing exhibits and demonstratives early on in your case for

Renting TVs for Trial and Mediation - Call APVisuals
Need a large flat screen TV (60" or 48") for trial, mediation, or simply a hearing? Look no further, call South Florida litigation