Should I Hire a Tech / Hot Seat Operator to Run My Presentation at Trial?
APVisuals, local legal technology and support firm discuss why its in your best interest to hire a hot seat operator for trial during the yo

APVisuals Assists Client to Obtain $7.9 Million Dollar Verdict in Medical Malpractice Case
APVisuals recently assisted Stewart Tilgman Fox Bianchi & Cain, P.A. in a Medical Malpractice Case in Miami-Dade County, Florida against

Have You Ever Lost A Case at Trial? Try to Better Your Odds with APVisuals on your side.
It is true that lawyers who actually try cases will win and lose. However, involving APVisuals will better your odds by using quality capti

Audio Visual Support for Trial and Mediation in South Florida
Let APVisuals worry about the technology and audio visual issues at trial and mediation. You have more important things to worry about.

Whether you are a young lawyer that just passed the Florida Bar exam or a young lawyer that is about to try their first case in Miami or...

APVisuals Assists Client to Obtain $46 Million Dollar Verdict in Medical Malpractice Case
APVisuals Assists Client Obtain $46.5 Million Dollar Verdict in Medical Malpractice Case in Camden, Arkasas. APVisuals traveled with Florida

Using Drone Footage to Recreate Accidents
APVisuals now offers its clients drone footage services, when requested for accident reconstruction purposes. Please contact us to discuss y

APVisuals Launches New Website
APVisuals launches new website making it more accessible to Miami-Dade, Broward, and West Palm Beach civil and criminal law firms. Call us t