What Kind of Lawyer are You?
Q: What kind of Lawyer are You? A: A storyteller!! Be honest. When anyone finds out your are a lawyer their first question is to find out wh
Jury Distracted? Get and Keep Your Jury's Attention
APVisuals discusses tips on how to keep a South Florida jury engaged during trial to help your odds of winning. Jurors are easily distracted

Why Hire APVisuals For Your Trial Presentation?
APVisuals, local trial graphics and litigation support form discusses what it offers lawyers in South Florida who are preparing for trial.

Should I Hire a Tech / Hot Seat Operator to Run My Presentation at Trial?
APVisuals, local legal technology and support firm discuss why its in your best interest to hire a hot seat operator for trial during the yo

Power Point? Key Note? Trial Pad? Trial Director? Elmo?
What is the best way to present documents at trial? The quick answer is - It depends? The are factors that determine what will be the best m

"He Who Represents Himself Has a Fool for Client" - Abraham Lincoln
If your client would be considered foolish for representing himself (as stated by Abraham Lincoln) - Why would you do your own legal graphic

West Palm Beach Trial and Technology Support
APVisuals will be providing/creating AV Equipment, Courtroom Technology, Legal Graphic Design, Trial Exhibits, Trial Support and overall Lit

APVisuals Assists Client to Obtain $7.9 Million Dollar Verdict in Medical Malpractice Case
APVisuals recently assisted Stewart Tilgman Fox Bianchi & Cain, P.A. in a Medical Malpractice Case in Miami-Dade County, Florida against

Have You Ever Lost A Case at Trial? Try to Better Your Odds with APVisuals on your side.
It is true that lawyers who actually try cases will win and lose. However, involving APVisuals will better your odds by using quality capti

APVisuals Assists Client to Obtain $100,000 Settlement in Negligent Security Case
APVisuals recently assisted client Carlos O. Gomez, P.A obtain a $100,000 dollar settlement in a negligent security case. APVisuals prepared