Mediation Settlement Strategy
APVisuals discusses how it can help you with you mediation settlement strategy and creating a compelling mediation presentation for adjuster
APVisuals's Medical Illustrations - How do we get it done?
Medical illustrations are key to personal injury cases. APVisuals, Broward based legal design company, discusses how it gets medical illustr
Need Trial Boards? Find the Right printing Company in South Florida.
APVisuals, your go to in-house legal services printer in South Florida discusses how we can help you with enlargements and blow-ups for tria
Document Callouts - What to Highlight?
APVisuals, your go to South Florida in-house legal printer, discusses tip and wall text to call-out for enlargements and trial boards.
Verdict Form? Make sure you Enlarge that VERDICT FORM?
Verdict Form - the most important document you will blow-up/enlarge during trial. APVisuals, trial graphics firm discusses why enlarge that
APVisuals - Miami and Broward Trial Graphics/TrialSupport/Legal Graphics Company on LinkedIn
APVisuals has a LinkedIn page. If we have ever been so fortunate to work with you or your firm, we kindly ask that you to like the page...
Why the Jury is Just Not Getting It
APVisuals has been providing trial support, graphic design, and trial exhibits to South Florida lawyers for over 15 years to even juries tha
Happy Halloween
APVisuals wishes a Happy Halloween to all of friends.
APVisuals Assists Client to Obtain $45 Million Dollar Verdict in Case Against Ranger
APVisuals recently assisted the Ratzan Law Firm in a four week trial in Broward County Circuit Court against Ranger. "After a four week